L3 | Leg Float and Slide

L3 | Leg Float and Slide


To advance the knee floot exercise - this places a higher demand of the core and your ability to maintain a neutral spine when you add load by lowering the leg.


Set neutral spine, and DRAWING UP AND IN your pelvic floor to activate your deep transverse abdominus. Make a quick breath out to switch on your external obliques muscles which stiffen and tighten your abdominals. Maintain your deep pelvic floor abdominal activation and without holding your breath, letting your back arch or flatten into the floor. Don't let your tummy 'dome up' or sink in (don't suck your belly button down). You should be aiming to have a flat tight abdominal wall but still breath normally through your ribs cage.
Slowly raise one of your legs until your knee is directly above your hip. Your knee should be bent at 90 degree. Pause and breath in, slowly lower your leg out straight so your foot is above the floor. Return heel to floor, again make sure your lower back and pelvis stays completely still as you move your leg. Repeat with the other side, remember; do more on weaker side.

Special Notes
Watch the arch of the back!