Our physiotherapists utilize a variety of sports tapes, including rigid, Elastic Adhesive Bandage (EAB), underwrap, and Kinesio tape, to ensure you can train and perform safely and give you the confidence to return to your sport as soon as possible. Taping is used to facilitate recovery by unloading an injured body part and providing protection and stabilisation to a joint.

Rigid Sports Tape

One of the most significant benefits of using rigid sports tape is its ability to limit unwanted movements, which is crucial when dealing with ligament tears or ruptures. By restricting excessive motion, rigid tape helps in maintaining the structural integrity of the injured area, allowing the healing process to occur without further aggravation. This type of taping can also enhance joint mechanics and biomechanics, ensuring that movements are more controlled and efficient, reducing the risk of additional injuries and reducing the likelihood of re-injury.

Kinesio Tape

Kinesio taping is a specialised method designed to facilitate muscle activation and reduce pain, enabling pain-free training and sports participation. Unlike rigid tape, Kinesio tape is elastic and mimics the skin's properties, allowing for a full range of motion while still offering support.

Kinesio taping can be used for many different injuries like rotator cuff tendinopathy, patello-femoral pain, muscle tears as well as when only a moderate amount of stability is needed. This is particularly useful for endurance athletes who need to maintain high levels of activity without being restricted.