George Agrotis - Remedial Massage Therapist at Physio Fitness in Bondi Junction


Dip.RM, Adv.Dip.NMed, Cert.IV (Fitness), ATMS
Remedial Massage Therapist


Australian Practising Dietitian

George is a Sports and Remedial Massage Therapist with over 16 years experience, an accredited Nutritionist and a certified Personal Trainer. Throughout his career he has worked with many Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Exercise Physiologists in the eastern suburbs and during this time he has worked with many clients from both recreational and professional sporting backgrounds.

By applying a range of techniques and client care he has successfully helped many people overcome their injuries and maintain peak performance to achieve their goals. George can assess a client’s physical condition and develop a specific treatment plan for them, demonstrating exercises when required to assist in rehabilitation or improvement in range of motion.


Advance Diploma of Nutritional Medicine – ACNT 2012
Advanced Diploma of Intergrated Body Therapies – ACNT 2007
Diploma of Remedial Massage – ACNT 2007
Certificate IV in Aromatherapy - ACNT 2007
Certificate III & IV in Fitness 2014
RockTape Kinesiology Taping Certificate 2017
Postgraduate Diploma of Clinical Psychophysic Body Work 2006
Postgraduate Diploma of Clinical & Humanistic Hypnotherapy 2006


 Remedial, Sports + Deep Tissue Massage
 Pregnancy / Relaxation
 Trigger Point Techniques
 Soft Tissue Release (STR)
 Energetic Release
 Myofascial Release
 Active Release Techniques (ART)
 Silicone Cupping