K3 | Romanian Deadlift - Pole

K3 | Romanian Deadlift - Pole


Hamstring (Romanian) deadlifting is key to building overall back, glute and hamstring strength. It also helps to build core strength and is suitable for those not suffering with acute back pain. When done correctly, it helps to reinforce correct movement patterns and can help to build good posterior chain, back and core strength which provide a good foundation for doing other types of exercise and general ability to do domestic chores and lifting around the home. Start off with light as possible and then build progressively.


Stand upright holding the bar so that is resting against your thighs. Feet should be facing forward and hip distance apart. Your knees should be slightly bent. Set neutral spine, diaphragmatic breathing and abdominal activation. Breathe IN and begin to bend at the hips (stick your bottom out) as you do this slowly lower the bar straight down, keep your spine in neutral. DON'T go too far! Only go as to the point where you can keep neutral spine/ do not let your pelvis start to tuck under. Don't let your back arch or your round - you must keep the spine in neutral and hinge at the hips. See the level 1 hip hinge exercise if you are having trouble with this movement. Breathe OUT and return, focusing on squeezing your glutes and hamstrings

Special Notes
Don't lose neutral or over-arch back on the way back up.
Progression: Increase the weight gradually.
WARNING: Don't do this exercise with heavy weights if you have a disc injury.