K2 | Romanian Deadlift (banded)

K2 | Romanian Deadlift (banded)


Hamstring (Romanian) deadlifting is key to building overall back, glute and hamstring strength. It also helps to build core strength and is suitable for those not suffering with acute back pain or recovering from a disc injury. Using a band helps keep you centered and activate your core, as well as making you keep neutral spine in the movement. The band is a progressive increase in load on the concentric phase, before you start using weights / kettle-bells to increase the load


Feet should be in a wide stance and back should be kept straight, holding the powerband with both hands and under the feet. Keeping knees slightly bent, t lower slowly push hips backwards whilst leaning torso forwards. In the upwards phase, reverse the movement, bringing torso back up and pushing hips forwards at the top. Keep arms straight so you are not pulling on the band using shoulders and elbows. Don't let your back arch or your round - you must keep the spine in neutral and hinge at the hips.

Special Notes
People with disc injuries should avoid progressing this into a weighted lifting until they are pain free in the movement and have good core strength.