H2 | Hip Adduction Isometrics (Kneeling - Ball)

H2 | Hip Adduction Isometrics (Kneeling - Ball)


This exercise is used to strengthen the hip abdductors in hip flexion - where they are weakest. It is also an ideal functional exercise as we isolate the hip adductors unilaterally.


In half kneeling with the hip/knee 90/90 degrees, place a pilates ball (or swiss ball/soccer ball/foam roller) against the wall or pole and the INSIDE of the knee. Posteriorly tilt the pelvis and place the hand on the hips/crossed on the chest and kneel up tall. Push the knee directly sideways into the ball and hold a maximum static contraction for 10 secs. Rest for 10 secs then repeat. Your physio will inform you if other length holds/rest required. Fatigue should be felt in the adductors / groin deep in the medial hip.

Special Notes
Beginners should start by having something to hold onto to (wall/pole/chair) to stabilise the body so the concentration should be solely on the hip adduction static contractions. When this is perfected progress to the arms crossed on chest version.