H2 | Clams (band)

H2 | Clams (band)


This exercise is for strengthening your deep gluteal muscles. The deep gluteal muscles stabilise your hips and pelvis and laterally rotate the hips making them crucial muscles for lumbo-pelvic, hip and knee stability. This is the same technique as the clam but with the added resistance of a theraband to increase the difficulty.


Lie on your side with your pelvis aligned vertically with the floor. Your knees should be bent to about 90 degrees and your feet should rest in line with your back. Keep your deep abdominal muscles activated and keep your waist slightly lifted away from the floor. Place theraband around your knees either above or belwo the knees whatever is more comfortable and ensure it is tight enough to provide resistance if you move your knees away from each other. Place your thumb or fingers on your deep gluteals , these can be found just behind the 'greater trochanter' or hip bone. Push your top heel of your foot down onto the heel underneath and feel how the muscles swell as they activate under your fingers. Maintain the heel squeeze and lift your top knee by rotating through the hip joint by squeezing your gluteal muscles. Don't let pelvis rotate backwards or let the lift under your waist drop (use your core to help keep you steady). Let the knee slowly lower back down. Repeat 3 sets of 10

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