Physio and Musculo-skeletal Physiotherapy at Physio Fitness in Bondi Junction


We treat acute and overuse injuries and impairments of the musculoskeletal system from lower back pain and lumbar spine disc injuries right through to patello-femoral dysfunction, shoulder impingement and neck pain. Our primary goal is getting you the patient, back to being pain free with full function as soon as possible, as well as the ability to self-manage your condition going forward.

What does a Physio do?

We aim to get the most accurate diagnosis as possible, including how and why the injury or issue occurred and what other biomechanical and internal factors have contributed.

Physical treatment will play a significant role in your recovery alongside a detailed Physio exercise program to help you rehabilitate the injured area with mobility, stability and strengthening exercises.

This is designed to address deficiencies and imbalances that may have contributed to the issue as well as helping to prevent it ever occurring again in the future.

What's involved in a typical Physio session?

You will undergo comprehensive assessment and testing, identifying contributing factors to give an accurate diagnosis and prognosis. Treatment usually involves a combination of manual therapy and joint mobilisation coupled with instruction of specific exercises as part of an individualised rehabilitation program with a focus on patient individual goals.

Our appointments are 45-60 minutes to allow time for adequate manual treatment of the area as well as rehabilitation in the gym. As you improve in your recovery your Physio will progress your rehab, carefully upgrading you to return to normal activities, maintenance and injury prevention.