K1 | Step Down (regression)

K1 | Step Down (regression)


This version of the step down caters for patello-femoral pain or people recovery from knee surgery and do not want the knee to travel too far forward, where you don't let the knee travel forward but you still hinge at the knee and flex more at the hip like a deadlift. This lets you train and strengthen your knee and the glutes / hip, so when you are better in the knee from increased hip and knee control, VMO tone, and general strength, you can do a normal step down and let the knee travel forward.


Standing on one leg, keep your opposite hip higher. Step backwards and downwards, bending at the hip and knee together, but bend more at the hip than the knee, effectively trying to prevent the knee translating forward. Don't let your knee roll in or opposite hip drop down. Focus on a greater hip bend than the conventional step downs. Keep knee in line with ankle and imagine sitting back down on a box. Focus on driving heel through floor so as not to overload front knee. Let your back leg go backwards and shoulders come forwards.

Special Notes
Progress to the normal level 2 step down to advance and move the knee further forward in the step down as you can manage without pain